German Immigration Law: The different family reasons to get a residence title to reside in Germany.
Rechtsanwalt Tieben

Rechtsanwalt Helmer Tieben
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Immigration law
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von: Helmer Tieben

The provisions regarding the entry of foreigners into Germany for family reasons are laid down in Chapter 6 of the German Immigration Act.

Children or spouses of foreigners living in Germany are eligible to apply for either a temporary residence title (Temporary Residence permit) or a permanent residence title (Niederlassungserlaubnis) if the conditions are met.

If the foreigner gets the residence title because of family reasons he is not only entitled to move and reside in Germany, he is generally also entitled to work there.

Not only spouses of foreigners living in Germany or of Germans are entitled to get a residence title. Members of a civil partnership (gay marriage) are also entitled to get a residence title, if the foreign civil partnership is comparable to the German civil partnership (Eingetragene Lebenspartnershaft) and the conditions of the specific residence title are met.

Not only family members or spouses of foreigners living in Germany are eligible to get a residence title for family reasons. Of course also foreign family members or spouses of Germans are eligible to get a residence title (German Visa, German temporary residence permit or the German permanent residence permit).


Please find below a list of the family reasons to get a residence title in Germany according to the German Immigration Act:

– Temporary Residence permit for foreign spouses of German nationals according to section 28 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 German Immigration Act.

– Temporary Residence permit for foreign minor children of German nationals according to section 28 para 1 sentence 1 no. 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for foreign parents of a German national child who are entitled to the custody and care of the child according to section 28 para 1 sentence 1 no. 3 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for foreign parents of a German national child who are not entitled to the custody and care of the child according to section 28 para 1 sentence 4 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for other family members of German nationals according to section 28 para 4 German Immigration Act

– Permanent residence permit for foreigners having a German temporary residence permit if the family cohabitation persists at least three years according to section 28 para 2 sentence 1 German Immigration Act.

– Temporary Residence permit for the reunion of foreign national with his foreign spouse already living in Germany according to section 30 para 1 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for the reunion of foreign national with his foreign spouse already living in Germany according to section 30 para 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for the reunion of foreign national with his foreign spouse already living in Germany according to section 30 para 3 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for the reunion of a foreign national with his foreign spouse holding an EU Blue Card in Germany according to section 30 para 1 sentence 1 no. 3g German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for a foreigner living in Germany after separation from his spouse according to section 31 para 1, 2, 4 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for a foreigner living in Germany after separation from his spouse according to section 31 Abs. 1 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for a foreigner living in Germany after separation from his spouse according to section 31 Abs. 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for a foreigner living in Germany after separation from his spouse according to section 31 Abs. 4 German Immigration Act

– Permanent residence permit for a foreigner living in Germany after separation from his spouse, if the foreigner already hold a permanent residence permit according to section 31 para 3 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children of foreigners, which are holding either a Temporary Residence permit according to section 25 para 1 or 2 or a permanent residence permit according to section 26 para 3 German Immigration Act according to section 32 para 1 no. 1 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children of foreigners, which are holding either a Temporary Residence permit or a permanent residence permit or a permit for long-term residence status (EC) and have centered their life in Germany according to section 32 para 1 no. 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for at least 16 year old minor children of foreigners, which are holding either a Temporary Residence permit or a permanent residence permit or a permit for long-term residence status (EC) according to section 32 para 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children of foreigners holding a temporary Residence permit according to section 38 a according to section 32 para 2a sentence 1 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children (not older than 16) of foreigners, which are holding either a Temporary Residence permit or a permanent residence permit or a permit for long-term residence status (EC) according to section 32 para 3 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children in hardship cases according to section 32 para 4 German Immigration Act.

– Temporary Residence permit for minor children of a foreigner holding a Blue Card according to 32 para 1 no. 1a German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for children born in Germany according to § 33 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for children born in Germany if one of the parents is holding either a Temporary Residence permit or a permanent residence permit or a permit for long-term residence status (EC) according to section 33 sentence 1 German Immigration Act.

– Temporary Residence permit for children born in Germany if one of the parents is holding either a Temporary Residence permit or a permanent residence permit or a permit for long-term residence status (EC) according to section § 33 sentence 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for children after separation from their parents according to section 34 para 2 German Immigration Act.

– Permanent residence permit for foreign minor children according to section 35 German Immigration Act

– Permanent residence permit for foreign minor children holding a temporary residence permit for family reasons for 5 years at the time they become 16 years old according to section 35 para 1 sentence 1 German Immigration Act

– Permanent residence permit for foreign minor children holding a temporary residence permit for family reasons for 5 years at the time they become 18 years old according to 35 para 1 sentence 2 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for the parents of foreign minor children according to section 36 para 1 German Immigration Act

– Temporary Residence permit for other family members of foreigners in hardship cases according to section 36 para 2 German Immigration Act.

Important Note: This article has been prepared by mth Tieben & Partner for general information purposes only. Mth Tieben & Partner does not accept any liability to any person or organisation for the use or reliance of the information contained in this article. On any specific matter, kindly contact us by dialing 0221 – 80187670 or sending us an email to

Lawyers in Cologne provide legal advice on German immigration law.


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  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    Ich brauche noch einen Rat von Ihnen, da Sie nun über meinen Fall mit dem Problem der Familienzusammenführung Bescheid wissen.

    Ich habe die folgende E-Mail von der Einwanderungsbehörde in Berlin erhalten. Welche Auswirkungen hätte das, da ich einen Aufenthaltsausweis Typ 23 ABS 1 besitze, der bis Ende Mai 2025 gültig ist, und mein Arbeitsvertrag mit der IOM am 1. Februar 2025 endet?

    Sehr geehrter Herr Albatal,

    eine Änderung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis könnte in Betracht kommen, wenn die Bundesagentur für Arbeit der Beschäftigung bei IOM zugestimmt hat.
    Beachten Sie bitte hierzu, dass sich dann die Laufzeit Ihrer Aufenthaltserlaubnis auf die Dauer Ihrer Beschäftgung verkürzen würde.
    Des Weiteren ist die Erteilung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis dann immer von der Beschäftigung abhängig.

    Teilen Sie uns biitte mit, ob Sie die Einholung der Zustimmung zur Beschäftigung bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit wünschen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  • Good day sir,

    I received the below email from immigration office in berlin, what would be the impact since I’m holding a residence ID type 23 ABS 1 valid till end of may 2025 and my work contract with IOM ends by first of feb 2025?

    the main purpose for doing this step is to be under residence ID type 18 that would help me in the family reunion process

    Sehr geehrter Herr Albatal,

    eine Änderung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis könnte in Betracht kommen, wenn die Bundesagentur für Arbeit der Beschäftigung bei IOM zugestimmt hat.
    Beachten Sie bitte hierzu, dass sich dann die Laufzeit Ihrer Aufenthaltserlaubnis auf die Dauer Ihrer Beschäftgung verkürzen würde.
    Des Weiteren ist die Erteilung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis dann immer von der Beschäftigung abhängig.

    Teilen Sie uns biitte mit, ob Sie die Einholung der Zustimmung zur Beschäftigung bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit wünschen.

    thank you so much for you advise

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