German lawyers provide legal advice on German Social Law
Rechtsanwalt Tieben

Rechtsanwalt Helmer Tieben
Beratung unter:
Tel.: 0221 - 80187670

  • Unemployment Insurance Law
  • Health Insurance Law
  • Pension Insurance Law
  • Accident Insurance Law
  • Disability Law
Rechtsanwalt Helmer Tieben

Helmer Tieben

Rechtsanwalt Social Law

Germany’s social welfare system provides many social benefits to German citizens and foreigners living in Germany. This includes unemployment benefits, social security benefits, housing benefits, health insurance, pension insurance, etc.

The social security law covers the social security system, including health, pension and nursing care insurance and unemployment benefits I and II (“Hartz IV”).

Legal advice for your problem

We can help you, if your claim for a social welfare payment has been rejected by the competent authority. We can help you applying for social benefits in order to maximize your chances. If necessary, we can represent you in court.

Our scope of practise

The following examples give you an idea of our scope of practise in the area of social law:

  • Unemployment Insurance Law
  • Health Insurance Law
  • Pension Insurance Law
  • Accident Insurance Law
  • Disability Law
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Social Security Law
  • Child Allowance

Contact Us

Call us on (0049) (0)221 80187670 or send us an email to if you need help with your German Social Law issue. We will respond to your queries quickly and confidentially.

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