German lawyers provide legal advice on German Cyper Law
Rechtsanwalt Tieben

Rechtsanwalt Helmer Tieben
Beratung unter:
Tel.: 0221 - 80187670

  • Consultation on warning letters
  • Breach of copyright
  • Trademark infringements in Germany
  • Untertakings to cease and desist
  • Intellectual property violation
Rechtsanwalt Helmer Tieben

Helmer Tieben

Rechtsanwalt Cyber Law

The Internet brought new applications of law and much of the law applying to the Internet and other new technology brings new complexity to the existing areas of law in Germany. Our lawyers provide legal advice on German Cyber law and all of its related fields of law, like German Competition Law, German Intellectual Property Law(IP Law) and German Trademark Law.

Legal advice for your problem

You want to start a business in Germany and you don´t know how to make sure that your website is legally compliant? Did you recieve a warning letter from one of you competitors? We would be happy to advice you on your legal rights and obligations.

Our scope of practise

The following examples give you an idea of our scope of practise:

  • Warning letters from/to competitors in order to avoid/prevent violation of competition.
  • Judicial representation in litigious proceedings regarding violation of competition.
  • Advice on undertakings to cease and desist.
  • Infringement of competition laws (Ebay, internet distribution).
  • Trademark infringement in Germany/Trademark violation in Germany.
  • Licence agreements.
  • Defence against intellectual property violation in Germany.

Contact Us

Call us on (0049) (0)221 80187670 or send us an email to if you need help with your German Cyber Law issue. We will respond to your queries quickly and confidentially.

So sieht der Ablauf bei uns aus


Wir besprechen in einem telefonischen Erstgespräch Ihr Problem und je nach Ersteinschätzung folgen weitere Schritte

Erstberatung / Treffen

Nach Terminvereinbarung folgt ein Treffen in der Kanzlei, um die notwendigen weiteren Besprechungen oder eine Beratung vorzunehmen


In enger Abstimmung mit Ihnen erfolgt die rechtliche Vertretung, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis für Sie zu erzielen